Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Dear friends,  

I have informed the PASSHE Board of Governors that I will end my service as Chancellor effective Friday, October 11, 2024 (after our next Board meeting). This has been one of the most challenging decisions of my career.   

For six years, I have poured my heart and soul into our system, its people, mission, and places. My passion for our work, students, and cause is unwavering. A significant amount of good, critical, and undoubtedly hard work is yet to be done for our students, their communities, and Pennsylvania.    

At the same time, U.S. higher education is struggling — at any number of levels, in any number of ways. The risks are profound. The crises are real. And the students—the people—that I care about the most are in danger of being left further behind. So, when a compelling opportunity presented itself to work nationally, I had to take it seriously.     

I need to help—at least to try to help. It’s in my DNA—a product of my upbringing. And the urgency has only intensified as I realize that the runway ahead of me is a whole lot shorter than the one behind me. I am reminded now more than ever of words I was raised with: “If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?”     

You will always be in my heart and thoughts, and I look forward to following your progress as you grow ever stronger.   

It is an honor and a privilege to serve you as chancellor. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity, the collegiality, the camaraderie, and the progress we have made.       

As for me? I will remain here in Harrisburg in the same row house with the same YMCA membership, bike routes, and routine Thursday afternoon visits to the Broad Street Market.       

Meanwhile, you have my admiration and warmest regards.    



P.S. I will let you know of my next steps when I am free to share the information in September.

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